As of March 2015, we are now a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization. All donations are welcome and very much appreciated!!!


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Lubbock Concert Band


We are multi-generational group which crosses the lines of age, gender, and occupation creating a diverse group of local musicians who have pooled their talents to make up the Community Band. While the band does include several current or past band directors, the majority of band members are purely amateurs.

Averaging about 85 - 90 members, the band's main emphasis is to entertain the audience, for which it plays, varying the music for the occasion – Holiday, Musicals, Movie Themes, Love, etc

We rehearse every Thursday night from 6:45 pm to 8:30 pm. The only requirements are 1) you can read music, 2) able to play a concert band instrument (brass, woodwind or percussion), 3) be willing to play challenging music and 4) are willing to have fun!!